FRENCH-ENGLISH-SPANISH Translation - Antananarivo


Publié par Andrew Hobart - Particulier

05 Sept 2018 - 12:23



I am currently working for a consulting company and have translated documents and reports on their behalf since 2011 and have also translated a number of documents, including, reports, project-related documents, emails and scripts. Giving a lot of importance to confidentiality and good-quality work, I am also used to deal with bigger projects (12,000 words and beyond) and do offer Translation services at interesting prices:

A. English to French
B. French to English
C. English to Spanish
D. Spanish to English
E. French to Spanish
F. Spanish to French

Have worked on different types of documentations, including assignments, project papers, business reports, presentations, letters, scripts and more others.

For more information, please kindly email me back.
Kind regards,
✔N'oubliez pas de mentionner AFRIBABA lors de votre appel !

Référence: MG-A8628 computer

Services Pro - Industrie - Bonnes affaires Traduction - Rédaction

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